   It is the policy of Metro Iloilo Hospital and Medical Center to respect the rights of every individual to who come to seek for medical help.
   To respect the patient's right to make decision when it comes to their medical care, the right to accept or refuse the treatment plans, and the tight to formulate advance directives (a written instruction, such a living will or power of attorney for health care, when an individual is incapacitated).
   The patient's responsibilities to include the patient's action that are needed for the healthcare providers to provide appropriate care, make accurate and responsible decision, to address the patient's concerns and needs, and to make innovations for Health and Medical Care.


  • Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Treatment
  • Individuals shall be given a fair and just access to treatment that is available and medically indicated. Futhermore, individual shall be granted medical care of the highest quality, regardless of races, religion nationality, sexual orientation, gender or source of payment.
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Individual shall receive considerate, appropriate, respectful and cost-effective medical, under all circumstrances, with recognition of his personal dignity and worth.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality of Patient's Medical Records
  • The patient is entitled for personal and information privacy. Patient has the right to decide if who are the indivdual that can access his/her medical records. Every record and information of the patient pertaining to his/her care is treated with outmost confidentiality.
  • Personal Safety and Security
  • The patient has the right to expect reasonable safety once patient is within the hospital premises. Security guards are deployed 24 hours to ensure the safety of the patient, folks, staff and the entire hospital.
  • Identity
  • The patient has the right to know the identity and professional status of the individual providing service to him/her, and to know which doctor is primarily responsible for the care and treatment.
  • Information
  • The patient has the right to know from his/her doctor the complete and current information update regarding his/her condition, the current treatments and the planned treatment and management to be done, in a language that is easy for the patient to understand.
  • Communication
  • The patient has the right of access outside the hospital premises by means of visitors and may it be oral or written communication. In the incidence that he/she has a difficulty in understanding the predominant language or has hearing impairment, he/she shall access to an approved interpreter. This is particularly true when language barrier is the continuing problem.
  • RIght to Self-Determination
  • The patient has the right and ability to make decision when it comes to their medical care and treatment, as long as those decisions are within the boundaries of the law. The importance of an advance directive, living will and durable power of attorney, is that patient has the right to accept or reject medical or surgical treatment while he/she is conpetent, so in the event that he/she becomes incompetent in making decisions, it world be easier to control and continue the decisions aafecting his/she healthcare.
  • Consent
  • The patient has the right to be involved in every decision with regards to his/her health care. To the degree possible, this shall be based on clear, concise explanation of his/her condition and all proposed procedures that includes the possibility of mortality and serious side effects, problems that may arise related to the recuperation and probability of successs. Consent must be voluntarily signed bt the patient of legally authorized representative.
    The patient may refuse to the extent permitted by law provided attending physician must discuss the consequences of the said refusal. the refusal of treatment made by the patient or legally authorize representative prevents the delivery of appropriate care in accordance to the ehtical and professional standards.
    On the incidence of life-threatening emergencies where the patient is uncoscious, appropriate treatment and management will be given even without consent.
  • Choose Healthcare Provider and Facility
  • Every patient, at his/her own request and expense, has the right to submit his/herself for consult to his/her doctor of choice.
  • Tranfer and Continuity of Care
  • A patient may not be transfeered to another facility unless he/she has received clear, concise and complete explanation of the reason and need for transfer and other alternatives, and unless the tranfer is acceptable to the other facility. The patient has the right to be informed by his/her physician of the continuing healthcare requirements following discharge from the hospital.
    The patient has the right to request copy of itemized bill and clear explanation of his/her bill for the services rendered to him/her while while admitted. the patient shall be fully informed of his/her eligibility for third party reimbursement during the admission.
  • Complaint Process
  • The patient has the right to write and file a complaint regarding the services he/she has received while admitted. The patient shall be educated with the hospital's mechanism for theinitiation,review and resolution of such complaint.
    The hospital appreciates feedback on the areas where it can help us improve and grow even better. We also appreciate the positive compliments regarding the experiences you have while being admitted to our hospital. You can contact our Quality Assurance Department at (033) 321-1527 local 626 during office hours (Monday to Friday - 8:00-4:00PM) or you can email us at (

    Patient & Family Responsibilities:

  • Provision of Information
  • To provide the complete and accurate information about health, including present and past illnesses, hospitalization, medications and other matters relating to you health that the hospital should know.
    To provide complete and accurate personal information particularly full name, address, contact numbers and date of birth where necessary.
    Proer communication of any changes in you health and/or condition and learn to ask questions when you dont clearly understand the treatment plan and managementgiven.
  • Following Doctor's Suggested Treatment Plan
  • To participate actively in the treatment plan including decision-making. Example of which is taking medication and keeping follow-up visits.
    Accept personal responsibility for any consequences if you refuse medical treatment and discharge agianst medical advice.
  • Respect and Consideration
  • Be considerate and abide with the hospital rules and regulations pertaining to patients and visitor.
    Treat hospitalemployees, other patients and visitor with courtesy and respect.
    Learn to respect the privacy of other patients.
    Be responsible in keeping your personal valuables while in the hospital.
    Treat hospital's properties and facilities with due care and responsibility.
  • Religious Counselling
  • You are welcome to bring religious counsellor to visit and conduct religious prayer provided you take into consideration other patients by praying quietly. Inform nurses if you are expecting a religious counsellor to make them aware.
  • Billing Charges
  • Pay any financial obligations resulting from the care and treatment rendered to you by the hospital. If there are financial issues, seek clarification promptly.